London Repairs lists reliable repair businesses of electrical and electronic products across London.  Help us grow by suggesting a business that you trust.

London Repairs features businesses that meet all these criteria:

  • Have at least 10 online reviews, with a minimum average score of 4 out of 5 stars *
  • Provide a physical address
  • Give warranties on their repairs

*Please note: For a business to be listed in London Repairs, it needs at least 80% positive reviews. On this form we are asking for submissions of businesses with at least 4 out of 5 stars, which is easier to find out. This will help us monitor businesses which might meet our criteria in the near future.

Suggest a Repair Business

"*" indicates required fields

Link to the listing of this business on e.g. Google Maps, Trustpilot, Facebook or Yelp
Do you work for this business?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Do I need to be a customer of that business?

No! You can submit businesses that you know from walking past or from an online search. But if you are a customer of that business, feel free to add your comments to the last field in the form.

What if I don’t know about the warranty terms of that business?

Submit the business anyway! We know that it can be tricky to find out about the warranty terms. If you submit a business that meets the other criteria, we’ll research the warranty terms.

I own a repair business. Can I submit it with the form?

Absolutely. We always like to hear from repair businesses in London. Please include your email so we can stay in touch.

I want to get more involved. How can I help?

We need to check the submissions and add the businesses to our Repair Directory. Your help with this completely online based work would be very much appreciated!